Majority of Democrats open to the idea of a Trump assassination being a good thing. Perhaps here’s why

Are Democrats really this heartless? Is the country’s political and media climate really this sinister?

A shocking 28% of Democrats believe the country would’ve been better off if former President Trump had been assassinated, according to a new survey by Scott Rasmussen’s Napolitan News Institute.

That’s more than 1 in 4 Democrats.

“Yeah. It’s incredible, isn’t it?” says Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, in an exclusive interview with The Heartlander.

“Here’s what really struck me about that poll: Only a minority [48%] of Democrats said that it was definitely wrong to try and kill Trump. A majority [52%] said they either supported it or they needed to think about it more. 

“This is unreal to me. And this is what happens, by the way, when you spend years, eight years now and more, calling your opponent Hitler and saying that he is a threat to democracy and he needs to be eliminated. The Democrats have said all that on loop, over and over and over. 

“And not just some random Democrat – Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, all the time. And clearly people on their side, unbelievably, are believing it, absorbing it, acting on it. And they need to take responsibility for that.”

The evidence of that is all over – including from former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, who recently told MSNBC Trump is even worse than Nazi dictator and mass murderer Adolf Hitler and Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini.


What makes Trump dangerous?

“A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between [Trump and] Mussolini and Hitler, and the use of the terminology like vermin and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship,” McCaskill said.

“The difference though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous. And that is, he has no philosophy he believes in. He is not trying to expand the boundaries of the United States of America. He’s not trying to overcome a neighboring country like Putin is in Ukraine. He is not going for some grandiose scheme of international dominance.  

“All he wants is to look in the mirror and see a guy who’s president. All he cares about is selfish self promotion. That’s the only philosophy he has, which makes him even more dangerous.”

OK, let’s unpack that bizarre, incendiary claim: Trump would be less dangerous if he only aspired to conquer other nations?

Moreover, Trump is worse than Hitler and Mussolini due to preening political ambition? Perish the thought of introducing a robust ego to Washington, D.C.!

This, after four years in power during which Trump didn’t start a war but actually ended the reign of ISIS and cooled temperatures even in nutty North Korea. But he’s worse than a monster who was responsible for killing millions and starting a war that killed tens of millions more.

In contrast to her overwrought fable of Trump being some kind of threat, inflammatory rhetoric such as McCaskill’s can actually turn up the homicidal heat inside our already powder-keg political climate.

It undoubtedly already has.

The Trump campaign recently released an exhaustive list of Democrats who’ve called him “an enemy of the United States”;  an “existential threat to our democracy”; the “gravest threat to our democracy”; “an extreme danger to our democracy”; “a threat to our nation, our freedom and our democracy” and much more.

Rep. Stacey Plaskett, D-Virgin Islands, said on MSNBC that Trump needs to be “stopped” – but appeared to first say “shot” before catching herself.

Rep. Dan Goldman, D-New York, said Trump “is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated.”

“We’re done talking about the debate; it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” President Joe Biden told fellow Democrats in a highly publicized remark just days before Trump was shot in the ear and nearly killed in Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13.

“I didn’t say crosshairs,” Biden later explained, trying feebly to dismiss his inflammatory rhetoric.


What Biden & Friends appear to have wrought

Apology not accepted. Biden has been the worst repeat offender among the Democrat mob – calling Trump the country’s “one existential threat,” and spewing such vile remarks as:

  • “Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”
  •  “Trump is a genuine threat to this nation … He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
  • “Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

The bile-filled Nancy Pelosi called Trump “a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen.”

Videos on X contain compilations of prominent Democrat politicians, entertainers and others calling for assassination and mass unrest and violence.

The result of all the left’s hateful rhetoric toward Trump is “disturbed people who think they’ll be honored and appreciated if they kill Trump,” warns Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz – who has left the Democrat Party over its anti-Israel extremism.

Former Democrat congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who has likewise left the Democrat Party and endorsed Trump, recently revealed that when she met with President-elect Trump in 2016 to discuss her foreign policy concerns she was “excoriated by my fellow dems for doing so because they said we shouldn’t be ‘humanizing’ him.

“For almost a decade, my former party (Dems) and MSM have been trying to dehumanize and demonize President Trump. They have successfully convinced millions of Americans that Trump is another Hitler who must be stopped. So we shouldn’t be surprised that their supporters take that so seriously that they believe it is their moral duty to take him out.”

Thus, a shock poll in which more than 1 in 4 Democrats wish Trump were assassinated, and another 1 in 4 have to mull it over.

Back to my opening questions – Are Democrats really this heartless? Is the country’s political and media climate really this sinister?

You be the judge of that. But make sure you look at the evidence first.


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