Trump won a ‘3-against-1’ debate vs. Harris, who failed to distance herself from Biden-Harris failures, Schmitt says

Kamala Harris has “her fingerprints all over” the Biden administration’s failures – as the ABC News presidential debate moderators Tuesday had their thumbs on the scale for her, says Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt.

Despite many pundits declaring Harris the winner of the debate, Schmitt disagrees sharply in an exclusive interview Thursday with The Heartlander.

“I think Trump won the debate – and he won a 3-against-1 debate, which is pretty remarkable,” Schmitt says. 

“The fact of the matter is, this is an election cycle where people are unhappy with the status quo. Kamala Harris did nothing to convince anyone that she’s going to offer anything different than Joe Biden has as president.

“I mean, she’s the vice president. She’s been the border czar. She was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate on the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Recovery Act that spent $1.4 trillion. 

“So, she’s got her fingerprints all over this failure, and President Trump pointed that out. And even though the moderators were sort of ganging up, I still think he came out on top. 

“Also, these elite pundits in Washington and New York media circles, they’re totally out of touch with where people are at. So, when he’s talking about illegal immigration, he’s talking about the economy, that’s what people are responding to. And I think you’re even seeing some initial polling from that night of independent voters who felt that way.”

Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis debased themselves and degraded their reputations by only fact-checking Donald Trump and not Kamala Harris, Schmitt says. And, indeed, several of their “fact checks” have been disputed and even debunked online and in conservative media.

“I think ABC News should be embarrassed and ashamed, and I don’t think those two should ever be allowed to do a presidential debate ever again,” Schmitt argued. 

“I think it was so bad. I’m sure there have been other examples – Candy Crowley on CNN a few years ago was terrible. But this was really embarrassing for them. And the selective fact checking is why people don’t trust biased fact checkers. 

“I think so many in the corporate media lost credibility, then they created these verify teams and these fact-checking teams, and now they’ve lost all credibility too because Tuesday night was a great example of their bias.”

The Heartlander asked Schmitt, who was just part of a bipartisan congressional delegation to Japan and South Korea, whether Harris is accurate when she says world leaders mock Trump and fear his return to office.

“Well, I think our enemies fear his return – I would agree with that assessment. Look, not only was America more prosperous and we had a secure border, you didn’t see all these wars popping up when President Trump was in office.  

“So I think the fear mongering you see from Democrats comes from a very deep insecurity they have …  that the weakness that the Democrats and Kamala Harris and Joe Biden specifically project to the world invites aggression.  

“Russia didn’t invade Ukraine during President Trump’s presidency. Putin did when Obama was in office, and then when Biden was in office. You didn’t see Oct. 7th happen when President Trump was in office, you didn’t see all this saber-rattling around the world, because they knew there was somebody who was president and commander in chief who meant business. 

“I think they know that they’re upside down on this foreign policy issue, and I think it’s incredible projection on their part.”


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