Biden should be forced from office, while he and Harris should be accountable for Israel snub, pro-Hamas rampage, Schmitt says

President Joe Biden should resign or be forced out of office immediately, argues Missouri Sen. Eric Schmitt.

In an exclusive interview with The Heartlander Thursday, Schmitt also blistered Biden and his presumptive successor as Democrat nominee Kamala Harris for being AWOL during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrival and address to Congress.

Schmitt said it’s clear from Biden’s primetime speech to the nation Wednesday that he won’t resign from office, but says Biden’s Cabinet should invoke the 25th Amendment’s provision for removing an incapacitated president.

“If he’s incapable of being a candidate, he’s incapable of being president. I think he should resign,” Schmitt told The Heartlander. 

“I don’t think he’s going to do that after the speech last night. I sent a letter calling for the 25th amendment to be invoked and the Cabinet isn’t moving forward on that, either. So, what the American people are now left with is a president who can’t function after the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and really can’t during those hours either. 

“It’s a serious job that requires a serious person who has the energy and capability to perform the tasks, and he doesn’t. The fact that he’s not running now is an admission he doesn’t have that ability. So, I think it’s a dangerous thing for the United States of America. 

“And I say this as an American. I take no pleasure in saying this. But that’s the truth. And I think the Democrats and the media tried to hide this from people for so long, but [on] the debate stage that day, no one could unsee that, how terrible he was. 

“But that’s nothing new. The Democrats, they’re so obsessed with beating Trump that they’re willing to dump this guy now because he was down in the polls.”

Asked whether Biden’s removal might strengthen Harris’ campaign standing with the power of incumbency – or if it might aid and abet Democrats’ efforts to remove Biden’s name from one or more state ballots – Schmitt says he doesn’t care about such partisan dynamics.

“Well, I look at this, again, as an American citizen. I just think we ought to have a president who is mentally competent to at least do the job. So, I don’t look at it as an overtly partisan thing.” 

As for Biden’s forced removal giving Harris the electoral advantage of being the sitting president, Schmitt doesn’t see it that way.  

“She’s tied to this administration because she is the administration. She’s the border czar. We’ve seen 10 million people come across the border illegally. She’s for the Green New Deal, which would destroy jobs and ship jobs overseas. She wants to reimagine policing and defund police departments. 

“I mean, she had the most liberal voting record when she was in the Senate, even more liberal than Bernie Sanders. So again, I don’t think she’s going to be able to reinvent herself. 

“The media will help try to do that. The fact checkers and the verify teams will be out in full force trying to discredit people who point out the facts, but I think the American people know who she is and they’re going to get to know her better. 

“And I look at this sort of like a backup quarterback: She’s going to be exposed now in a real game. And I’m confident President Trump’s going to win.”

Asked about the often criminal anti-Israel protests in Washington Wednesday, Schmitt turned his glare to Biden and Harris.

“Well, I think it was telling. The Biden administration didn’t send anybody to the airport to visit the head of state of one of our chief allies around the world. That’s unprecedented. It’s embarrassing. Kamala Harris, who’s the vice president of the United States and supposed to preside over the Senate, didn’t show up for the speech either. 

“So, who are they trying to appease? They’re trying to appease this growing pro-Hamas element in their party who were burning American flags and were chanting pro-Hamas chants and talking about ‘river to the sea’ and eradicating Christians and Jews. 

“So that’s who they’re in bed with now. And that’s why they didn’t participate yesterday. And it’s a shame.”

As for the president’s address to the nation, which was intended to explain his departure but appears not to have, Schmitt dismissed it as “campaign speech.”

“He keeps giving the same speech about ‘threats to democracy.’ I will tell you what the real threats to democracy are: trying to throw your political opponents in jail; trying to bankrupt your political opponent; trying to censor Americans; trying to hold on to an office and have a shadow government when you’re not fit to do the job. 

“Those are the threats to democracy. President Trump, in his own words, took a bullet for democracy. And I think the American people are going to rally behind him.”


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