Their own Biden cognitive coverup cynically painted Democrats into this corner

The party billing itself as the savior of democracy just threw it overboard in order to keep itself afloat in this election.

Democrats aren’t kicking President Joe Biden to the Pennsylvania Avenue curb just because he’s cognitively unfit – a fact they cynically hid for years. No, party elites forced out their democratically elected presidential nominee Sunday simply because he’s sinking like an aircraft carrier anchor in the polls.

Indeed, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, admitted that quiet part out loud on the Today Show Monday.

“My concern was whether he would be able to win, whether he would be able to prosecute the case against Donald Trump. I have every confidence in his abilities as president …” he said.

In other words, if your duly elected Democrat nominee isn’t faring well in the polls, force him out of the race. Undemocratically.

Of course, the reason they’re doing that, and the reason Biden is plummeting in the polls, is his alarming mental deterioration – which many of us saw all along, but which Democrats have tried desperately to keep hidden from the casual observer.

Until The Debate That Changed Everything.

Now their historic deception of their own Democrat primary voters – which alone is a monumental subversion of democracy – has party elites hoisted on their own petards. They have just weeks to stand up the new nominee, increasingly likely to be Kamala Harris.

Yet, Harris – as much as anyone other than, say, Jill Biden or puppet master Barack Obama – stands at ground zero of this unprecedented con job on the American public, in which Democrats have been galactically dishonest with their own voters.

Harris the heiress apparent repeatedly described the emperor’s nonexistent clothes in the months leading up to his debate debacle, assuring us Joe’s just fine – often parroting the same phrases over and over:

“I’ve spent a lot of time with the president, be it in the Oval Office, the Situation Room, you name it,” Kaw-Kaw-Kamala assured us.

“He’s an extraordinary leader, and I wish that people could see what I see.”

“Age is more than a chronological fact. I spend a whole lot of time with our president. … Not only is he absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the Oval Office meeting with members of Congress, meeting with leaders in industry, meeting with community leaders – I will tell you that he is in front of, often, everyone in the room in terms of thinking about how we can resolve issues, negotiate …”

“We have a president in Joe Biden who is forward-thinking in a way that we’ve not seen in a long time.“

“But,” one interviewer asked, “if there ever is a problem [with Biden] do you think that you could go tell the American public?”

“Of course, if necessary. But there’s no need for that. There is a political argument that is being made [from the other side of the aisle] that is not based on substance” – suggesting growing concerns over Biden’s mental fitness were but Republican talking points intended to distract from Biden’s many grand accomplishments not visible to the naked eye.

“I am absolutely ready. But thank God, our president is in good shape and in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term,” she repeated in another interview.

“I’m ready if necessary, but it’s not going to be necessary,” she characteristically mimicked herself in another.

Biden is “tireless” she avowed – despite his aides’ infamous admission that he’s basically functional from 10 to 4.

Harris claimed over and over that she spends a lot of time with Biden. And we’re supposed to believe she never saw his decline?

If we knew, she had to know. She had to be lying. She has to answer for it.

Joe’s just fine, all his supercilious sycophants dutifully chanted in unison, until their lies were found lying in a gutter beside his lifeless legacy.

Yet, even after his dementia was on full display next to a keen Donald Trump on the debate stage, the administration just kept offloading its unalloyed lies onto the public discourse. Earlier this month, even, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brazenly stood by her pre-debate lie that videos of Biden’s decline were Republican “deep fake” videos.

Yes. She said that after the debate. And the media let it go.

Now that the biggest hoax in American political history has blown up in the Democrats’ own faces, rather than hold them accountable for their historic hoax, count on the media to come to the Democrats’ rescue. They’ll try to bring in all the king’s horses and all the king’s men to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again in time for the November election.

The media will consider it their job to do so, which it clearly is not.

Democrat elites have made their own bed. Let them toss and turn in it.


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