Residents revolt after California bans school districts from requiring parental notification of gender changes

Californians are absolutely savaging Gov. Gavin Newsome for signing a law Monday actually prohibiting school districts from mandating parents be notified of their children’s gender changes.

“Big Gavin focusing on the important stuff as usual 🤡,” one commenter wrote under a story by local ABC7 Eyewitness News.

“Why are we preventing communication between schools and parents?” writes another. “This is not a good way to handle any issue. All you’ve done is guaranteed parents will never trust schools again.”

Here’s what others had to say:

“Gavin and child groomers both celebrating.”

“Evil. That’s a face of evil.”

“State sponsored groomers.”

“Please help me to understand why? I am a parent of twin 14 year olds in California. What else are they trying to keep from the Parents? This is wrong on every level.”

“And homeschool continues to skyrocket.”

“I believe this New California Law that bans requiring schools to notify Parent with regards to pronoun change is unconstitutional and it will be challenged all the way to the Supreme Court..!”

“Protect your kids… leave the state. No matter how hard it might be, suffer now to save your children in the short and long term.”

“Is the bill titled ‘Don’t tell your parents’, ‘This is our secret’, or ‘The don’t say Trans bill?”

“A disgusting power grab giving power to the state over parents, in the name of sexual perversion.”

“Is there a non-malicious reason to oppose requiring schools to notify parents?”

“Newsom says the government is in charge of the children, not parents. Take note.”

“If you have kids, flee.”

“Protect your kids… leave the state. No matter how hard it might be, suffer now to save your children in the short and long term.”

The law drives a wedge between parents and their children – and gives minors unprecedented power over the adults in their lives, critics argue.

“The law bans rules requiring school staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any other person without the child’s permission,” ABC7 Eyewitness News reports.

The law overturns policies in a number of districts in the state that require parental notification of surreptitious gender transitions in the schools by their children.

“I do not think it’s unreasonable that the parents know the change is happening,” state Assemblymember Bill Essayli, R-Corona, said during debate on the bill.

At one point during the debate, while reading from one district’s policy that requires parental notification, Essayli had his microphone cut off by Democrat Assembly Speaker pro tempore Jim Wood of Santa Rosa.

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