Gallup: Americans see immigration as good, but 41% want less of it

(The Center Square) – Gallup released a survey Thursday concerning Americans’ views on immigration and the impact immigrants have on culture and economics.

Overall, 68% of those polled think immigration is a good thing for the country today, a 9-point decline from 2022 but a 16% net increase from 2002.

Respondents were questioned in June, during which talks about the southern border and the fentanyl crisis increased in Congress.

Of those surveyed, 41% said immigration should be decreased, while 26% said it should increase and 31% said to keep it at present level.

Most of those surveyed said immigration made the culture surrounding food, music and the arts, as well as the economy in general, better.

However, only 5% and 3% respectively thought the crime and drug situations were made better by immigrants, while 47% thought the crime situation was worse and 55% thought the drug problem was made worse.

The only situation respondents had a net change that didn’t fall between 2001-19 results was in social and moral values, which saw a 7% net consensus that immigrants made the situation better, up from the previous net 3% from 2017-2019 polls.

Largely due to a pro-immigrant mindset shift for Democrats, the country is generally more positive toward immigration than in the 1990s and 2000s. However, Americans are slightly less supportive of immigration compared to the past few years.

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